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Create B2B content that sells.


Discover how to start or improve your current B2B content with our new mini eCourse from Award-Winning Creative Agency founder and Forbes Councils contributor, Caroline Petersen.

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Stop the content overwhelm. 

  • Access our content framework so you can gain clarity and effectively plan a scalable content marketing game plan
  • Stop copying what everyone else is doing and learn how to conduct brainstorming sessions to come up with original visual content
  • Finish this eCourse with a documented content game plan for you to implement right away
  • This eCourse includes short on-demand videos and a workbook. Our proprietary digital brainstorming cards are available for purchase at check out

This mini eCourse will help you

Plan, brainstorm and document your content strategy

Align your team on content projects, deadlines and expectations

Stay focused to ensure highest content quality and creativity

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Why invest in B2B content? 

Shorter Sales Cycle

1. High-impact visual content will get your company noticed.

2. Move ideal customers through the funnel with valuable, easy-to-understand content for every step of their journey.

Scale With Quality

Onboard new clients and retain current ones by leveraging pre-prepared content to help guide them through your process, consistently. 

Elevate Brand Perception

Showcase your industry expertise with sharp messaging and design that turns every touchpoint into an opportunity to instill trust.

Gain Clarity & Confidence

Support your sales team with the clarity and confidence they need to pitch to ideal clients with powerful messaging and collateral.

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About Caroline


Caroline is the founder and Creative Director of Gallery Design Studio, an award-winning B2B content design studio based in NYC. Caroline and her team support top-tier B2B tech companies gain and retain best-fit clients through powerful visual content.

Caroline is also a Forbes Councils member contributing to thought leadership articles on B2B marketing, content marketing, and creative leadership.

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