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8 Ways Content Generation Translates into Revenue for B2B Software Companies

content strategy Jun 07, 2024
Pattern of a black and white icon showing a magnet attracting dollar symbols and lightning bolts, representing the concept of attracting revenue

In the competitive landscape of B2B software, creating compelling content is more than just a marketing strategy—it's a powerful revenue driver. Here’s how content can significantly boost your revenue and why it’s an indispensable part of your company's strategy.


1. Improve SEO and Organic Traffic

Content is a key component of search engine optimization (SEO). By creating SEO-optimized content that addresses the queries and concerns of your target audience, you can improve your website’s ranking on search engines. Higher rankings lead to increased organic traffic, which brings more potential customers to your site. Organic search is the largest driver of web traffic for B2B websites, responsible for 51% of all visitors (BrightEdge).


2. Shed Light on the Dark Funnel

The B2B buying journey is often long and complex, involving multiple stages and numerous stakeholders. A key aspect of this process is the "dark funnel” (term coined by 6sense), the hidden, anonymous stages where potential customers research and evaluate solutions without directly engaging your company.

Why the dark funnel matters: Most buyer research and decision-making occurs before contacting your sales team. Buyers consume content, read reviews, and compare products anonymously.Only 3% of buyers fill out a form on your website, leaving 97% of the buyer journey unaccounted for if you rely solely on traditional lead generation methods (6sense).

Gear your content to be accessible, engaging, and valuable during these early stages to influence potential buyers' perceptions and decision-making. By ensuring your content is easily discoverable through search engines and leveraging keywords effectively, you can capture the attention of these anonymous buyers and guide them towards becoming paying customers.


3. Get Them to Like and Trust You

Effective content leverages psychology principles to build trust through content between your company and potential customers. By providing reliable, valuable, relevant, and consistent information, you showcase your expertise and reliability. This not only fosters long-term business relationships but also positions your company as a thought leader in the industry. Trust is a crucial factor in B2B sales, and content that demonstrates your knowledge and reliability can significantly influence buying decisions.


4. Bring Them In

Content marketing is a powerful lead generation tool. By creating valuable and informative content, B2B software companies can attract high-quality leads who are genuinely interested in their solutions. For example, a well-crafted ebook addressing common pain points in the industry can draw potential customers to your website, where they can learn more about your offerings and eventually convert into leads. According to the Content Marketing Institute, companies that implement a content marketing strategy generate 50% more leads than those that do not (Content Marketing Institute).


5. Increase LTV

Content is not just for attracting new customers; it also plays a vital role in retaining existing ones. Regularly updated content, such as newsletters, product updates, and customer success stories, keeps your clients engaged and informed about new features, best practices, and additional use cases for your software. This ongoing engagement helps reduce churn rates and increases customer lifetime value, translating directly into revenue.


6. Supercharge your Sales Team

Content is the sales team's best friend. Effective Sales enablement content, such as pitch decks, product brochures, and case studies, provides the sales team with the tools they need to effectively communicate the benefits of your software to potential customers. This content helps streamline the sales process, making it easier for sales representatives to close deals and drive revenue. Not only can sales use content as support documents, but content can also serve as training to minimize ramp-up time for new sales reps.


7. Keep 'Em Engaged

B2B sales cycles can be lengthy, involving multiple stakeholders and high levels of consideration. Content plays a pivotal role in educating and nurturing prospects throughout this journey. Detailed guides, explainer videos, and informative articles help prospects understand the value of your software, address their concerns, and overcome objections. By the time they reach out to your sales team, they are well-informed and more likely to make a purchase. HubSpot research shows that companies that nurture leads make 50% more sales at a cost 33% less than non-nurtured prospects (HubSpot).


8. Amplify Your Brand

Content allows for scalable marketing efforts. Unlike traditional advertising, which can be costly and difficult to scale, content can be distributed across multiple channels (social media, email, website) at a relatively low cost. This scalability means that a single piece of content can reach a large audience, increasing your brand’s visibility and generating more leads without a significant increase in marketing spend.



Content is a powerful driver of revenue for B2B software companies. From generating high-quality leads and building trust to supporting sales efforts and improving SEO, content plays a crucial role in every stage of the buyer’s journey. By investing in a strategic content marketing plan, B2B software companies can create valuable assets that not only attract and convert prospects but also retain customers and drive long-term growth.

Are you a marketer at a high-growth B2B software company in need of creative content to generate high-quality leads and drive sales? Learn more about our content membership here.

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