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How to use eBooks, white papers and case studies

blogpost content marketing Jan 09, 2020

Samantha Reid | Gallery Design Studio Editor + Copywriter


Whitepapers, eBooks, and case studies, oh my! You may have heard some or all of these terms flying around but aren’t sure which is which, not to mention when and where to use each one. 

In the marketing world, all 3 are often produced in the form of digital documents that can be downloaded, read on mobile devices, and are uneditable by the reader. We wrote this article to clarify the difference in the purpose of each type of collateral. 



When it comes to explaining the purpose of eBooks, it’s actually easier to start with your end goal as a marketer and work backwards. Typically, to complete the download of an eBook a potential client is asked for their email address. As we all know, email addresses are invaluable contact information. 

So how do you convince potential leads to provide their email? By providing useful and valuable content in your eBook. 

You might already have materials you can repurpose into an eBook or at least the beginnings of one. Think of collateral that shares walk-throughs of your offers and products. Ever wish you could hold your client’s hand as you walk them through your onboarding process? eBooks give you that ability. When you find yourself having the same conversation with clients and leads over and over about services and processes, ask yourself how that information can be communicated through words and visuals. 

Save time, capitalize on leads, and retain clients by creating eBooks that provide utility and accessibility. 


White papers

Typically, it’s tough to summarize research-based information about your company. When you need to provide a significant amount of research in detail, a white paper is the right choice. 

A white paper is an in-depth explanation of a specific topic or product feature. They can be used to clarify technical information, establish your authority, and dive deep into the details of your industry. A white paper isn’t the place to make a hard sell; keep the focus on the research.

Because white papers require the customers to share their contact information before downloading, it’s a useful tool to capture leads and build your email list. See how white papers will sell your organization here.

When you want to share a large amount of writing driven by data and research, white papers are your go-to.


Case studies

Do you have an ideal client? The kind you provide everything for? Yup, you know the one.

Do you wish that you could tell the world exactly how you helped these folks achieve their goals with your team’s products and/or services? You’re not alone.

Those are the reasons marketers use case studies. There are three key questions that need to be answered when producing a case study.

  • Who is the client?
  • What did they need?
  • How did you solve their problem(s)?

Case studies are documents that allow marketers to share (with the client’s permission, of course!) some critical details about how they met their clients needs. 

Potential leads can easily see themselves in the details of a case study. Case studies also help answer that pesky ‘what is it you do, exactly?’ that can be so hard to sum up in an elevator pitch.

Reveal specific ways your team works to meet clients’ needs with an in-depth case study.


Bottom line

Sell leads and customers on your offerings with eBooks

Share knowledge with peers, colleagues, leads and clients with white papers

Show leads and customers exactly what you can do with case studies.


About Gallery Design Studio

We help B2B marketing teams, in software, finance and healthcare, with their ongoing communication design needs. Conveying complex information clearly, concisely and in a visually engaging way.


About the Writer

Samantha is a copywriter at Gallery Design Studio. Samantha is passionate about using precise and evocative messaging to connect with clients. She has written for journals, online publications and blogs.

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