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Unlock the potential of visual communication

communication design visual communication Feb 25, 2019


Katy Cesarotti | Gallery Design Studio Editor + Copywriter


Today’s audiences have short attention spans and information overload. Your business has to compete against a constant stream of digital ads and online messaging, just to make an impression.

With all that background noise, how can your company stand out and get through to customers?

Effective communication is about more than just having great ideas. Companies need to express their message in a clear, memorable way that connects with audiences.

As an example, think about applying for jobs. You might be the most qualified candidate, but to get hired, you need to clearly connect your skills and experience to the job expectations.


Persuasive communication is useful if you need to

…Explain complex ideas and features

…Pitch your company to investors

…Educate your audience

...Get your brand noticed


We break down communication in four stages:


1. Discovery

Relevant and useful communication depends on listening. Research can help you better understand your target audience, and how to communicate with them effectively.

  • What previous knowledge does the audience have?
  • What information do they need?
  • What are their expectations and fears?

Communication design focuses on the information and style that will connect most with your ideal customers: you’re speaking with your clients, instead of at them. It highlights relevant facts or figures, often with engaging graphics, to get to the heart of your message.


2. Messaging

Outline your message to figure out what you need to communicate to your audiences, as well as what you might leave out.

Your message condenses the most crucial and exciting points you want to convey, and forms the foundation of all the different forms of content you might produce down the road—pitch decks, informational videos, blogposts, and brochures.

Audiences connect with narratives. Tell your story in a way that emotionally resonates with your audience. All businesses are founded, after all, to solve an urgent problem for customers. This doesn’t have to be something huge, but it should be a) meaningful and b) something people will pay money to fix. Then describe the solution and how your product/service fits into the equation. How does your company provide value to your customers? What differentiates you from the competition?

Anticipate potential questions and objections your audience will have. What else will they want to know? Where are the sticking points? How can you answer questions before they have to raise them?

Great communication design tells your story in a way that taps into your customer’s emotions, and makes them feel empowered and excited enough to take action.


3. Synthesis - tighten the message

Narrow down from big-picture plans and build out your messaging for a specific solution and goal.

  • What action do you want your audiences to take?
  • Do you want potential investors to request more information?
  • Do you want to grow your subscribers, or customer base?

Break down complex ideas into simple and clear language. Visuals help illustrate complicated concepts and make information easier to follow. This is extra important for cutting-edge startups and high-tech companies with products that are harder for customers to wrap their minds around.

Above all, keep it short and sweet. Readers have short attention spans, especially in channels like emails and social media. Make every detail count to demonstrate that you value your customers’ time.

Data visualization, like charts and graphs, is an efficient way to get a lot done in little space. The brain can take in graphics much quicker than words to immediately capture someone’s attention.

Consider what language or visual brand components would be most convincing for your target audience. Effective communication establishes credibility, lays out a reasonable argument, and shapes how your customers feel. Colors, visuals, and layouts can also affects your customer’s emotions.


4. Delivery

Choose the best package to get your information across. Not all people take in information in the same way: Words, graphics, animations can complement each other to engage the viewer. Great design can turn lots of information into easily digestible units that entice the customer to learn more.

Use charts or graphics to showcase key figures because viewers can take in and process visuals much more quickly. Online and in print, visuals can categorize similar ideas, create connections, and establish hierarchies that prioritize what the viewer reads first.

Memorable communication design also tells the customer about your personality, and makes your company appear polished and professional. With well-designed materials, you’re telling your audience that you’re capable and committed to fulfilling customer needs.


Unlock the potential of visual communication to persuade your audience. With a combination of engaging visuals and concise copy, you can capture and keep your audience’s attention. 

Need help with your next infographic design? We can help. contact us here.


About Gallery Design Studio

We specialize in B2B creative solutions that address client needs and wants at every stage of the customer journey. From a customer’s first interaction with a brand to their first purchase and beyond, we craft experiences that are engaging and easy to navigate. Our services:

  • Digital Customer Experience Design (DCX)
  • Web & App design (UX/UI)
  • Video & Animation
  • Graphic Design & Marketing Collateral
  • Copywriting

Have a project in mind? Contact us!


About the Writer

Katy Cesarotti is a copywriter at Gallery Design Studio. Katy believes that, with clear and concise copy, innovators can spark emotion and drive action in their readers. She’s written for magazines, blogs and cutting-edge startups.


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