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The power of infographics for your organization

data visualization digital customer experience digital marketing graphic design infographics information architecture Mar 11, 2019

Katy Cesarotti | Gallery Design Studio Editor + Copywriter


Your customers are drowning in data. The average person has to sort through 90 emails and 4,000 ads every single day. To your audiences, your company’s message is like a drop of water in a flood of information.

Infographics present complex information in a clear, instantly understandable format to engage the viewer.


Here’s how infographics can enhance your marketing:


Attract attention.

The average human being has an attention span of eight seconds, less than a goldfish. Infographics help get your message across because humans process visuals quicker than text. As a resource, customers can also save infographics to return to later.


Break down information.

By visualizing data, your company makes key information more engaging and easier to understand. Infographics pull out key insights and present them in a short, accessible visual. You can add infographics to existing articles or presentations, but they can also stand on their own.


Establish authority.

Infographics demonstrate your industry expertise with key data, facts, and figures. With in-depth research, your company signals to customers that you’re a trustworthy resource and partner.


Build your brand.

By linking to your website, infographics can drive traffic and boost your digital presence. Infographics in your brand colors and styles give customers a “way in” your company.


Deal with data.

Data visualization is a graphic presentation of numbers, like pie charts, graphs, and maps. Infographics often (and should!) include charts, but also include illustrations, captions, expert quotes, or icons. By adding context, infographics help readers make sense of all the data you’re giving them.



Infographics can be used in digital marketing to:

  • Explain technical or abstract processes
  • Break down big ideas into steps or how-tos
  • Compare and contrast two options
  • Show the “path” or roadmap through a process


In this next section, we’ll break down the components of an effective infographic. These must-have components ensure that your visuals will successfully get your ideas across and compel the user to take action.


1. Know your audience.

Think about the specific buyer personas you want to reach with this infographic. Select styles, visuals, formats that will appeal to your ideal customers. What will they connect with? What might turn them off?

For example, if you’re illustrating important financial information for potential investors, you might use bold colors and fonts, but cut back on the cutesy animations.


2. Set a measurable goal.

Define success, and consider what you want your viewer to do once they read and understand your infographic. Do you want people to contact you? To go to your website? To better understand one of your features?


3. Create meaning through graphics.

By breaking down large amounts of complicated information into bite-size units, you make your ideas easy for the customer to process. Convert blocks of text into short captions with icons, or use telling images to hold on to your reader’s attention. Show important numbers visually with graphs and pie charts.

Choose colors and designs that make sense with the information at hand. For example, if your infographic is about gardening, you might want to use a green color palette and plant-shaped illustrations.


4. Keep it simple.

The best infographics stay focused on one topic: leave in only the information you need. White space is your friend. Separate out key information to make your viewers pay attention. Cut out any graphics or text that clutter up the display.


5. Tell a story.

Readers love a good narrative: it helps us process information and make emotional connections. Your infographic should have a clear layout that flows from top to bottom, and creates a visual pathway for the eye to follow. Trim out all the “extra” information that doesn’t fit with the story you’re trying to tell.


6. Back it up with research.

Use reliable sources to support your claims and build trust with your audience. Represent data honestly with to-scale charts and proportional graphs.


7. Make it move.

Eye-catching animated infographics can emphasize important figures and make your message memorable and fun. Check out this example from Questback.



Great communication is about crafting messages in a way that customers will inherently get and connect to. Infographics are another tool to convince customers to choose you, so your business can ultimately drive more sales.


Have a project in mind? Contact us!


About Gallery Design Studio

We specialize in B2B creative solutions that address client needs and wants at every stage of the customer journey. From a customer’s first interaction with a brand to their first purchase and beyond, we craft experiences that are engaging and easy to navigate. Our services:


About the Writer

Katy Cesarotti is a copywriter at Gallery Design Studio. Katy believes that, with clear and concise copy, innovators can spark emotion and drive action in their readers. She’s written for magazines, blogs and cutting-edge startups.

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